
Poem17. Cousin's visit.

Cousin's visit.

Wonder how they stand there still
Like big balls without any strings.
Doggie my dear ,come with me
We will go out ,see them well.

The 'Big bang'  I have heard
how Universe formed long back.
Standing on our dear mother Earth
thinking of  her relatives there.
On  relatives we might  find
creatures like us as cousins.
 In and out of  our Milky way
trying to contact in their way.

 A meeting of us strange cousins

distant galaxies different space

Will we be happy to see them
or will  fight to control this universe?

This poem for the prompt   Monday's Child #13


Priyanka Bhowmick said...

such beautiful words.. good one

signed...bkm said...

the wonderment of others out there in this huge universe ...as our cousins....brings that wonderment of childhood to verse...lovely...thank you from Monday's Child...bkm

Jinksy said...

That's a question that's unlikely to be answered in our lifetime! :)

Deborah said...

I like this! :o)

kavitha said...

beautiful poem dear..

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

fabulous piece.